On January 23, 2024, ECHA released the 30th batch of SVHC lists (6 items), adding reasons for adding DBP to a total of 240 items.
SVHC, the abbreviation of Substance of Very High Concern, is a class of hazardous substances specified in the EU REACH regulations. According to Article 57 of the EU REACH regulation, there are the following substances of high concern:
1A or 1B substances that are carcinogenic, mutagenic or reproductively toxic, namely CMR Class 1A or 1B substances;
Persistent, bioaccumulative and toxic substances, namely PBT substances;
Highly persistent and highly bioaccumulative substances, namely vPvB substances;
Withendocrine disrupting properties, or persistent, bioaccumulative and toxic, or highly persistent and highly bioaccumulative but does not meet the criteria of 2) and 3), and there is scientific evidence to prove that it causes harm to humans or the environment Seriously affecting substances;
Substances of very high concern are a class of chemical substances that have certain hazardous properties and arouse great concern to humans. According to the EU REACH regulations, if the SVHC content in all products exceeds 0.1%, the situation must be reported to the downstream:
If the SVHC content in substances or preparations exceeds 0.1%, SDS that complies with the EU REACH regulations must be passed downstream;
If the SVHC content in the article exceeds 0.1%, safe use instructions must be transmitted to the downstream recipient, which at least includes the name of the SVHC. Consumers can also make similar requests, and suppliers should provide relevant information free of charge within 45 days;
SVHC testing refers to a method that uses chemical analysis to analyze the presence and content of SVHC in products.
The operation is convenient and simple. Enterprises only need to provide samples to the testing labs, and the testing labs will complete the follow-up.
Testing costs are high, which increases corporate management costs. High fees need to be paid through testing, especially when SVHC substances continue to increase, which will increase huge testing costs.
The testing time is short, generally taking 5 to 7 working days to complete. Enterprises can provide relevant testing reports to importers as soon as possible to prove that products comply with REACH regulations.
Duplicate testing occurs. Due to the lack of supply chain information transmission, the same type of materials are tested at different levels at different levels in the supply chain, resulting in duplicate testing.
Kind tips:
If products exported to the EU contain more than 0.1% SVHC, the company must fulfill information transmission and SCIP reporting obligations. If the export volume of SVHC containing more than 0.1% exceeds 1 ton per year, SVHC notification must also be carried out.
The EU now strictly implements REACH regulations for products circulating within the country, that is, products within the EU must fulfill various obligations under the REACH regulations before they can be legally produced or imported. Companies that violate regulations face product recalls, fines and even jail time. The EU now strictly implement.